
Minggu, 19 September 2010

6 Nutrition Weight Reduction

Jakarta, For humans who wish to lose weight, abounding types of aliment into his prohibition. But there are some foods that can in fact advice you lose weight.

Quoted from USNews, Wednesday (09/01/2010), the afterward six types of foods that can advice you lose weight:

1. Watermelon

Melon contains vitamin A and C, aswell accommodate lycopene, which may abate the accident of cancer, affection ache and beheld crime associated with age. One cup of diced watermelon contains alone beneath than 50 calories. That is, in accession to advantageous watermelon is aswell not adverse to weight loss.

2. Avocado

Avocados accommodate monounsaturated fats are convalescent for the heart, aswell a advantageous another to advice lower bad cholesterol (LDL). This able bake-apple can aswell lose weight. As continued as they eat no added sugar, milk or chocolate.

3. Candied potato

Fist-sized candied potatoes can accomplish your circadian claim of vitamin A and aswell provides 4 grams of fiber. In addition, candied potatoes accept beneath calories than potatoes or added sweet, so these foods can advice you lose weight.

4. Salmon

Same with blubbery angle like tuna, mackerel, and basin trout, apricot fat is a antecedent of Omega-3 blubbery acids that accept been apparent to abate affection ache risk. With 160 calories per 4 ounces, broiled or broiled apricot is the capital advantage card for humans who wish to lose weight.

5. Raspberry

One allocation cups beginning raspberries contains alone 60 calories. This is one ambrosia a advantageous and advice advance physique shape. Raspberry is aswell a antecedent of B vitamins, flavonoids, cilia and vitamin C.

6. Onion

One cup of chopped onions accommodate 60 calories, which is acceptable for your physique size. Using the onions in and activity the soup is the best way to accommodate the quercetin in the diet. Quercetin is accepted to accept anti-inflammatory (peradanga) and antioxidants, and accepted to be careful adjoin assorted diseases, including cancer.

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