
Jumat, 17 September 2010

Meteor Crater Wide Ever Leave Former West Java

JAKARTA-caused Disasters terrifying meteor ever hit the state of Yucatan in Mexico, approximately 65.5 million years ago.

Asteroid collision estimated diameter of 10 kilometers in the region left the pit crater area of West Java.

"Disaster is strongly suspected as the cause of the extinction of dinosaurs on Earth," said lead researcher of astronomy and astrophysics Space Agency and Aviation Agency (Lapan), Thomas Jamaluddin told Legal.

According to Thomas, for 10 years after the asteroid hit, approximately 90 percent of Earth's creatures became extinct. The impact of an asteroid explosion was billions of times more powerful than the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

Blow of this asteroid, caused a storm of death and destruction. "Blow the asteroid created the crater. Debris flew into the sky like a ballistic missile, fell back into the atmosphere, leading to 10 solar-powered heat in during the day, causing forest fires, "he said.

Disasters do not stop there. Asteroid apparently fell in a location rich in sulfur. When sulfur mixed with water vapor in the air after bouncing to the top, creating a cloud covering the sun for approximately 10 years and cause acid rain.

The second catastrophe due to the fall of meteorites on Earth occur on June 30, 1908 at Tumuska, Siberia. It is estimated that falling objects measuring approximately 100 meters. But the explosion was heard up ambit 800 kilometers and the dust causes the sky quite bright. Fragments of comet Encko causes of forest within the ambit 25 miles scorched.

According to Thomas, rarely large meteor fell to earth. Ordenya can reach millions, hundreds or tens of years. "The big it is extremely rare," he said.

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